Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Comparing Brazilian Culture to American Culture Research Paper

Comparing Brazilian Culture to American Culture - Research Paper Example These segments include ‘Power Distance’, ‘Individualism’, ‘Masculinity’, ‘Uncertainty Avoidance’, ‘Pragmatism’, and ‘Indulgence’ (The Hofstede Center, 2014). The discussion henceforth will give an elaborative account of these cultural segments as observable in the prospective market of the Canadian company, i.e. in Brazil. Power distance exhibits the acceptance of power hierarchy and the inequalities among people residing within a given society. Observably, Brazil scores 69, where Canada scores 39 as per the Hofstede’s model when examining this factor (The Hofstede Center, 2014). This further reveals that where Canada believes in egalitarianism, Brazilian communities believe in power hierarchy and accept the inequality as a part of their culture (Ferguson, 2007). It is thus necessary for the Canadian company to understand the power distance of Brazil and formulate their organizational decision-making structure accordingly. Individualism, another facet of the Hofstede’s cultural model, indicates whether people prefer group oriented lifestyle practices or individualism. Brazil scores 38 in this section according to Hofstede’s model analysis, where Canada scores 80 (The Hofstede Center, 2014). This implies that Brazilian people are group oriented where Canadians are highly individualistic in nature. Certainly, in the business world, group orientation attitude among employees and customers can create the difference of opinions as well as communication gap. Due to the huge difference of nature, it is better for the company to use Polycentrism to connect with the culture of Brazil (Ferguson, 2007). The paradigm of masculinity in the Hofstede’s model replicates whether the cultural backbone of the country is success oriented, achievement-oriented or it is based on the quality of life.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams - Essay Example Groups and teams, in general known as the work groups that tend to ted to subsist inside the framework of a bigger corporation along with sharing the liability for a group or team work and services, that are designed to achieve desired results. Within a lot of corporations in the world today, have groups and teams working for them round the clock expanding the policies, plans along with producing innovative goods, delivering services, in addition to implementing further major errands that control the overall performance of the corporation (Barker,2004,pg78).One of the biggest challenges for any group or team is the new situations that they are faced with each time they begin working. The challenge is to be able to alter the team member's individual attitude in relation to how something ought to work or ought to be. For instance the team members or the group members after a certain while feel that there is a set pattern of how their everyday meetings will be carried on. Although, the team and the group members should come each day with the fact in mind that they might have to deal with a new issue and event or a happening, which might as well change the course of their work. The attitude of how they will be executing these changes and adjustments is how they will be actually working in general. The second most critical challenge is to be able to schedule your work time. Evenly distributing the time of work between the tasks is a great challenge. Usually teams and groups face this challenge as the group or team has several members which might have individual time constraints. Being able to take out appropriate time within the demanding schedules of the several people caught up within the work groups as well as teams is a big challenge. Time ought to be placed aside; regularly through inspired means, to permit individuals to toil together in the direction of recognizing the general objective moreover to put into position those actions as well as frameworks to help accomplish that ambition. Working on developing fresh Skills: alongside with varying an individual's anticipation there is a want to build up innovative skills to toil as a fraction of a group or a team: paying attention, making conversation, inquiring, being tolerant, as well as gaining harmony. These group or team members spend the largest part of their daytime working together as individuals. Exchanging information. Once in a blue moon are they are given the opportunity and the time to decide matters individually, predominantly with reference to sharing information and culture. For that reason, their ability of functioning efficiently inside this kind of a situation is usually frail. The challenge is to facilitate the team and group members to discover these interrelating skills as well as to establish them in accordance to the customs of the teams or the group's responsibilities. The Conflict management is the one of the most critical challenges faced by group and team members there is no doubt in the fact that conflict management inside a group or a team needs to be a fairly formal course. The element of disagreement can be very positive for a group if it is administered suitably. By expressing disparities, the group and the team members can generate quality evaluations along with gratifying interpersonal