Thursday, October 31, 2019

A fundamental concept of modern architecture Essay

A fundamental concept of modern architecture - Essay Example e architecture in the modern period not only created house and public buildings that combine beauty and technical aspect of social efficiency, they also ensured the buildings were economical in all ways the architecture operating in the modern period were successfully blending technology with expressive style, history with science, beauty with practicality. These are elements that completely changed the building environment in ways that are still discernible today. This is an historical argument paper about the modern architecture. It is based on the definition architecture according to Siegfried Giedion and the development of the space, time and architecture concepts. The definition of modernist architecture is still an issue of debate between the art historians and other critiques. In Space, Time and architecture, Giedion argues that there is an apparent chaos in the state of culture that has been brought about by contradictory tendencies between the enormous technological and industrial development and peoples values. There is a need to feel the gap between the advances in the humanity in the realm of thought and realm of feelings. The emergence of the modern architecture in the early 20th century has been a matter of debates and arguments among different architecture historians and other critics. It is believed that the modern architecture and movement emerged in the late nineteenth century and was completely formed in the 1920s, just before the World War one began. Modernism has been understood differently by different authors and critics in architecture history.2modern architecture has been reflected by such publications as The international style by Hitchcock and Johnsons that was published in 1932 and 1995.Pevners works titles Pioneers of modern design of 1936 and Space time and Architecture that was published in the 1941 and 1982. The contemporary accounts of the modern movement provide a contrasting view. These more architectural historians

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Product Development Theory Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Product Development Theory Comparison - Essay Example They are not just branding a product. They are designing a total package. In creating a brand there are several different levels to be considered. First, there is the step by step technical issues that have to be addressed. However, creating a brand is more than just creating the catchy phrase, name or design that signifies to the world that this product belongs to this company. Branding and brand creation encompass a whole host of tangible and intangible elements. In beginning, this discussion brand creation, the first area to cover is the technical aspects of creating a brand. After that, the conceptual ideas will be discussed as well as steps to achieving an all-inclusive branding package. The brand itself is more than just the product itself. There are specific steps that must be taken in the brand creation process. The first step is to arrive at a brand name, word, phrase, symbol or device that will set your product apart from the others. It must be unique and creative. It could be catchy, clever, aesthetically appealing, different, or simple yet unforgettable. Whatever the choice it must be unique and distinctive. Upon arriving at a perspective brand, the next important step is to determine that the name is free from all encumbrances, that is, it is not already in use by someone else. This is easy enough to accomplish via the internet to ascertain if someone has the name you have arrived at already brand named. It is also wise to search internationally, as well. You want your brand to stand out. Selecting one so similar to a host of other names will not achieve this. Having determined that your selected brand name is available you should immediately place a trademark on it to make it exclusively yours. Protecting your brand is an essential part of the creating brand value.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Logical Database Design for HR management System

Logical Database Design for HR management System Task 1.1 The background information of the organization and operation that would support. In an organization a HR department is responsible for record each employee. Where the employees have an identification number, job identification code, e-mail address, manager as well as salary. They also track those employees earn incentive or commissions in addition to their salary. However, the company also tracks their role in the organization. Each job also recorded according to the characteristics. Moreover, ever jobs have job title, identification code, maximum and minimum salary of the job. There are few employees work for a long time with the company and they have held different department within the company. If any employee resigns, then the job identification number and department are recorded. The company also track the location of its departments and warehouses. Every employee must assign with a department where departments are identified by the unique identification number. Those departments are associated with different locations. The company need to store the location such as the state, city, postal code, street name as well as county code. The company also record the county name, currency name and the region. This database supports a better employee management plan as well as their departments, location and associated jobs. However, the company would have a better structure to store their confidential information. This database will provide a better extracted information to developed their insufficiency. This efficient data structure allows them increases their storage as well as it exclude the redundancy in data. Task 1.2 a conceptual database design and list of enterprise rules Figure 1: EER-diagram showing all enterprise rules (Source: Created by author) Task2.1: A Logical Database Design for HR management System Figure 2: logical database design (Source: Created by author) Task2.2: Create the tables using Oracle DBMS - Table structure for COUNTRIES - DROP TABLE MYDB.COUNTRIES; CREATE TABLE MYDB.COUNTRIES ( country_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , country_name VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , region_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for DEPARTMENTS - DROP TABLE MYDB.DEPARTMENTS; CREATE TABLE MYDB.DEPARTMENTS ( department_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , department_name VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , manager_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , location_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for EMPLOYEES - DROP TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES; CREATE TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES ( employee_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , first_name VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , last_name VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , email VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , phone_number NUMBER(12) NULL , hire_date DATE NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , salary NUMBER(10,2) NULL , commission NUMBER(10,2) NULL , manager_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , department_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for JOB_HISTORY - DROP TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY; CREATE TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ( employee_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , start_date DATE NULL , end_date DATE NULL , job_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , department_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for JOBS - DROP TABLE MYDB.JOBS; CREATE TABLE MYDB.JOBS ( job_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , job_title VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , min_salary NUMBER(10,2) NULL , max_salary NUMBER(10,2) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for LOCATIONS - DROP TABLE MYDB.LOCATIONS; CREATE TABLE MYDB.LOCATIONS ( location_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , street_address VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , postal_code NUMBER(10) NULL , city VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , state VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL , country_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; - Table structure for REGIONS - DROP TABLE MYDB.REGIONS; CREATE TABLE MYDB.REGIONS ( region_id VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL , region_name VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NULL ) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS NOCACHE ; Task2.3: Create the four most useful indexes - Indexes structure for table COUNTRIES - - Checks structure for table COUNTRIES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.COUNTRIES ADD CHECK (country_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table COUNTRIES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.COUNTRIES ADD PRIMARY KEY (country_id); - Indexes structure for table DEPARTMENTS - - Checks structure for table DEPARTMENTS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.DEPARTMENTS ADD CHECK (department_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table DEPARTMENTS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.DEPARTMENTS ADD PRIMARY KEY (department_id); - Indexes structure for table EMPLOYEES - - Checks structure for table EMPLOYEES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES ADD CHECK (employee_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table EMPLOYEES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES ADD PRIMARY KEY (employee_id); - Indexes structure for table JOB_HISTORY - - Checks structure for table JOB_HISTORY - ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ADD CHECK (employee_id IS NOT NULL); ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ADD CHECK (department_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table JOB_HISTORY - ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ADD PRIMARY KEY (employee_id); - Indexes structure for table JOBS - - Checks structure for table JOBS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOBS ADD CHECK (job_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table JOBS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOBS ADD PRIMARY KEY (job_id); - Indexes structure for table LOCATIONS - - Checks structure for table LOCATIONS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.LOCATIONS ADD CHECK (location_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table LOCATIONS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.LOCATIONS ADD PRIMARY KEY (location_id); - Indexes structure for table REGIONS - - Checks structure for table REGIONS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.REGIONS ADD CHECK (region_id IS NOT NULL); - Primary Key structure for table REGIONS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.REGIONS ADD PRIMARY KEY (region_id); - Foreign Key structure for table MYDB.COUNTRIES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.COUNTRIES ADD FOREIGN KEY (region_id) REFERENCES MYDB.REGIONS (region_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; - Foreign Key structure for table MYDB.DEPARTMENTS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.DEPARTMENTS ADD FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES MYDB.LOCATIONS (location_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; - Foreign Key structure for table MYDB.EMPLOYEES - ALTER TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES ADD FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES MYDB.JOBS (job_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE MYDB.EMPLOYEES ADD FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES MYDB.DEPARTMENTS (department_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; - Foreign Key structure for table MYDB.JOB_HISTORY - ALTER TABLE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ADD FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES MYDB.EMPLOYEES (employee_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; - Foreign Key structure for table MYDB.LOCATIONS - ALTER TABLE MYDB.LOCATIONS ADD FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES MYDB.COUNTRIES (country_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; Task2.4: Data Population The below figures showing all data in each table: Table countries: Table departments: Table employees: Table job_history: Table jobs: Table locations: Table regions: Task2.5: SQL Query writing Query 1 SELECT MYDB.COUNTRIES.country_name FROM MYDB.COUNTRIES Query 2 SELECT MYDB.REGIONS.region_name, MYDB.COUNTRIES.country_name FROM MYDB.COUNTRIES INNER JOIN MYDB.REGIONS ON MYDB.COUNTRIES.region_id = MYDB.REGIONS.region_id Query 3 SELECT MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.start_date, MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.end_date, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.first_name, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.last_name, FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES FULL OUTER JOIN MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ON MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.employee_id = MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id Query 4 SELECT Count(MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id) AS Number Of Employee FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES Query 5 SELECT MYDB.EMPLOYEES.first_name, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.last_name,, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.phone_number, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.hire_date, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.salary, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.commission FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES ORDER BY MYDB.EMPLOYEES.first_name ASC Query 6 SELECT MYDB.EMPLOYEES.first_name, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.last_name,, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.phone_number, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.hire_date, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.salary, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.commission FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES WHERE LIKE %gmail% Query 7 SELECT MYDB.EMPLOYEES.first_name, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.last_name,, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.phone_number FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES INNER JOIN MYDB.JOB_HISTORY ON MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.employee_id = MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id WHERE MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.employee_id IN (MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id) Query 8, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.phone_number, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.hire_date, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.job_id, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.salary, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.commission, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.manager_id, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.department_id, MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id FROM MYDB.EMPLOYEES, (SELECT MYDB.JOB_HISTORY.employee_id fromÂÂ   MYDB.JOB_HISTORY) subquery1 WHERE subquery1.employee_id=MYDB.EMPLOYEES.employee_id Asabe, S.A., Oye, N.D. and Goji, M., 2013. Hospital patient database management system: A case study of general hospital north-bank makurdi-nigeria. Compusoft, 2(3), p.65. Coronel, C. and Morris, S., 2016. Database systems: design, implementation, management. Cengage Learning. Dorok, S., Breß, S., Teubner, J. and Saake, G., 2015. Flexible Analysis of Plant Genomes in a Database Management System. In EDBT (pp. 509-512). Hussain, M., Pandey, A.C. and Pachauri, S., 2013. Performanc Tuning of Database Management System by Fuzzy Controlled Architecture. Pragyaan: Journal of Information Technology, p.30. Jahn, M., Schill, E. and Breunig, M., 2013. Towards a 4D database management system for geothermal projects: an example of the hydraulic data of Soultz. In Second European Geothermal Workshop. Lee, H., Chapiro, J., Schernthaner, R., Duran, R., Wang, Z., Gorodetski, B., Geschwind, J.F. and Lin, M., 2015. How I do it: a practical database management system to assist clinical research teams with data collection, organization, and reporting. Academic radiology, 22(4), pp.527-533. Li, Z. and Shen, H., 2016. Database Design on Teaching Management System Based on SQL Server. Mohamed, A.R., Kumar, P.V., Abhilash, S., Ravishankar, C.N. and Edwin, L., 2013. Design and Development of an Online Database Management System (AGRI-TECHBASE): For Agricultural Technologies of ICAR. In Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 869-877). Springer India. Nidzwetzki, J.K. and GÃ ¼ting, R.H., 2016. DISTRIBUTED SECONDO: An extensible highly available and scalable database management system. Reddy, T.B.K., Thomas, A.D., Stamatis, D., Bertsch, J., Isbandi, M., Jansson, J., Mallajosyula, J., Pagani, I., Lobos, E.A. and Kyrpides, N.C., 2014. The Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v. 5: a metadata management system based on a four level (meta) genome project classification. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Logic and Moral Dilemmas Essay -- Logical Philosophy Philosophical Pap

Logic and Moral Dilemmas ABSTRACT: Logic is of great importance for the philosophy of education. In particular, logic provides a rational and critical approach in ethics, helping us understand the nature of moral dilemmas. Some suggest that all moral dilemmas result from some kind of inconsistency in the moral rules. Unsolvable moral situations simply reflect implicit inconsistencies in our existing moral code. If we are to remain moral as well as logical, then we must restore consistency to our code. This is accomplished by adding exception clauses to current principles, and giving priorities to some principles over others, or by some other device. I argue that we must accept moral dilemmas as an essential part of real-life reality on the grounds that some moral statements concern values. According to Moore's "axiological thesis," whether these statements are true depends on two factors: the set of alternatives from which we make an evaluation, and the scale of values with which we rate them. Also, it is po ssible that a given alternative is no better than another in some respect. Furthermore, there is no respect in which they are equally good or equally bad (the so-called "Condorcet's effect"). Thus, we must accept moral dilemmas as real rather than apparent. Among all the spheres of philosophy of education logic is of great importance. In particular it is logic that provides the rational and critical approach in ethics. So logic help us to understand the nature of moral dilemmas. It has been suggested that all moral dilemmas result from some kind of inconsistency in the moral rules. So our being faced with unsolvable moral situation merely reflected an implicit inconsistency in our existing moral code and that we forced... ...sibus perplexis// Th. Hobbes. A dialogue between a philosopher and a student for the common laws of England. Leibniz G.W. Specimen difficultatis in jure seu dissertatio de casibus perplexis. Doctrina conditiorum. De legum interpretatione/ Ed. by T.Ascarelli. Milano: Giuffre, 1960.P.267-302. 5. Lemmon E.J. Moral Dilemmas// Moral Dilemmas/ Ed. by Christopher W. Gowans. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.P.101-114. 6. Lemmon E.J. Deontic Logic and the Logic of Imperatives// Logique et Analyse. 1965. Vol. VII. No.2. P.39-61. 7. Moore G.E. Principia Ethica. Cambridge: The Cambridge University Press, 1960. 8. Rescher N. Ethical Idealism: An Inquiry into the Nature and Function of Ideals. Berkeley,etc.:University of California Press, 1987. 9. Schlesinger G.N. The Sweep of Probability. Notre Dame & London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Diary of Emotions

Experiencing different emotions have been a normal part of my daily life and thus having to take notice of it and be keenly aware of the physiological and psychological aspects of the emotion made me think of how difficult it is to fully explain emotion. Usually, what stays with our memory are the emotions that are intense and powerful, like anger, sadness and happiness, while the fleeting emotions of annoyance, impatience, worry and anxiety are taken for granted.With the emotion diary I was acutely aware of what I was feeling but rather had difficulty in naming what I felt or in identifying what kind of emotion I was feeling. A number of theories have tried to explain human emotion. Since emotion is a subjective experience and that mush of it is experienced physically, then the theories that explain emotion do so by looking into the biological and psychological components of emotions.The James-Lange (Atkinson, et. al. , 1996) theory says that the biological component of emotions suc h as physiological arousal and facial expressions are most influential in producing the subjective experience of an emotion. The theory argues that because perception of autonomic arousal constitutes the experience of an emotion and because different emotions feel different, there must be a distinct pattern of autonomic activity for each emotion.Thus, when my heart beat races and the hairs at the back of my neck rise, I feel fear and so I cower in my seat or close my eyes as I watch a horror movie. On the other hand, the cognitive appraisal theory of Schachter and Singer (1962) espoused that cognitive appraisal are sufficient to determine the quality of emotional experience, thus if people could be induced to be in a neutral state of autonomic arousal, the quality of their emotion would be determined solely by their appraisal of the situation.Hence, upon observing my surroundings wherein I was in front of the TV inside my house with all the doors and windows locked, I would feel tha t being afraid of the movie is childish and hence I would stop being afraid. Based on my experience, I could say that to be able to have a complete understanding of emotions, one must take into account the biological and the psychological aspects of the emotion. With the various intensity and kinds of emotions that we go through in a single day, it is unrealistic to say that emotions are entirely biological or physiological or that it is purely psychological. Diary of Emotions The Diary of Emotions made me realize that a person could feel a number of emotions in a single day and that each emotion is triggered by different situations and it affects us physically and mentally (Cornelius, 1996). Based on the entries on my diary of emotions for three days, I more or less felt happy during those times and also had several anxious periods. When I felt happy, I had a smile on my face, like someone was tickling me. When I go about my work, I just breeze through it and I don’t worry about anything. I feel that my body is full of energy, that I am not tired at all and that I want to have a good time.Sometimes I feel that my heart beats more than the usual, sometimes I feel warm and sweaty, but in a good way. When I am happy, I think good thoughts and laughter comes easily. But when I was anxious, my body manifested several changes, one was that I was sweating profusely, and my hands had fine shakes. I also felt a little headache and my heart beat was racing a nd it’s almost I am at the verge of tears or exasperation. Then I was thinking of worst case scenarios if ever I was late for class or my friend would not talk to me when I approached her, or when I was waiting for the exam.There was also a period when I was upset and felt guilty. When I was upset I felt terrible, I couldn’t get my thoughts together and I felt like crying. It felt that there was a chunk of wood on top of my head weighing me down. I also kept repeating the event in my head the one I was upset about. After getting upset, I felt guilty that I quarreled with my friend knowing that I should have not snapped at her like that. Guilt though was more difficult to define, the physical changes was quite the same as being upset, but in a lesser degree but I was thinking of how I could patch up with my friend andplanning what to say to her when I see her. Being angry was exhausting, it seemed that my head was bursting and my heart was beating so fast, and then angr y words just came out of my mouth and I felt justified at saying it. I was thinking of how to get even, how to hurt her as much as she did me. After which I felt like water in the pot simmering and still heated up. Fear was actually like being anxious angry but there was something else, I was quiet and trembling all over. I was afraid that I might fail the test and mentally I was imagining what would happen if I failed it.Feeling sad was like the opposite of being happy, I felt heavy, I did not want to eat and move around or to work on anything. Surprise and feeling relieved was like being happy and being interested felt like I wanted to know more about the movie, that I was glad I was watching it, I was attentive to the story, I was listening intently and I think my eyes were very alert then. This exercise actually helped me learn how to identify my emotions and by paying attention to what it is then allowed me to think about how we are sometimes overwhelmed by what we feel in a ce rtain situation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Computational Methods For Stochastic Differential Equations Engineering Essay

As more applied scientific discipline research workers areA trying to utilize Stochastic Differential Equations ( SDEs ) in their mold, particularly when affecting Fractional Brownian Motion ( fBM ) , one common issue appears: an exact solution can non ever be found. Therefore, in this paper, we test assorted Numerical methods in work outing SDEs with standard BM that have non-linear coefficients. In add-on we extend our consequences to SDEs with fBM Cardinal Wordss: Brownian Motion ( BM ) , fractional Brownian Motion ( fBM ) , SDEs, Numerical ApproximationsIntroductionStochastic Differential Equations ( SDEs ) affecting both Brownian Motion BM ) or fractional Brownian Motion ( fBM ) have been going more prevailing in applied mathematics and mold of assorted systems. Some illustrations of these countries, and non limited to them, are finance ( i.e Black-Scholes expression ) , webs ( i.e. informations transportation in wireless communications ) , biological science ( i.e. arrhythmia, encephalon signaling after a shot ) etc. In many of those instances, old ages of research and aggregation of empirical informations is performed in order to construct an appropriate theoretical account. More frequently than non though, the SDE that best fits the information is an SDE that does non hold a simple analytical solution. Therefore the demand appears for a consistent numerical method. In chapter 2 we cover some brief preliminaries about BM, fBM and SDEs that are indispensable for the numerical estimates we intent to utilize. In chapter 3 we will province the three different methods tested for numerical solutions of SDEs affecting BM, present the consequences of the three methods and place the best. Once we derive the best method, we extend it to SDEs affecting fBM and compare it to an already proposed strategy ( I. Lewis ) . In chapter 4, we province our decisions.PreliminariesWhat is a Brownian Motion ( BM ) ? The award for the find of the BM belongs to the Scots phytologist Robert Brown that originally described it in 1928 [ 1 ] as he observed it in the motion of pollen atoms drifting in liquid. The first one to really build the procedure was the Missourian mathematician Norbert Wiener in 1923. Ergo the procedure itself is besides referred to as Wiener Process. Definition 2.1 The procedure is a Brownian Motion ( BM ) if it is a procedure of independent Gaussian increases with zero first minute, i.e. a standard Brownian Gesture over is a random variable that depends continuously on and satisfies [ 2 ] : with chance 1. For, the random variable given by the increase is. For, the increases and are independent. Some basic belongingss that are easy attained by the definition above are: , from ( 2.2 ) , from ( 2.2 ) and ( 2.5 ) Besides, for we can compose: , that is for any we have that: Furthermore, allow and specify. Then and As we are be aftering to discourse Stochastic Differential Equations with Brownian Motion, we feel the demand to besides discourse the continuity of the procedure. To turn out continuity we refer to the Kolmogorov theorem as in [ 3 ] : Theorem 1 ( Kolmogorov ‘s Continuity theorem ) Let a procedure that for all there exist such that , for. Then there exists a uninterrupted version of X. A cogent evidence of the theorem can be found in [ 4 ] . For Brownian Motion, it can be shown [ 3 ] that, which by Theorem 1 we have that has a uninterrupted version. In fact, from now we will be mentioning to that uninterrupted version of.Figure. Standard Brownian Motion PathsAs one of the purposes is to look into numerical estimates of Stochastic Differential Equations, the following natural measure is to briefly discuss integrating in footings of. Though there are multiple attacks in assorted research documents, we are interested in the one shown by D.J. Higham in [ 2 ] as in it is more lined up with numerical estimates. Another side benefit of the attack above is that it provides an interesting connexion to Classical Riemann concretion. As such, remember the left end-point Riemann amount representation of the Riemann built-in given by , where , or utilizing the center First we set. Therefore we have from ( 2.7 ) that , by telescoping series. The 2nd term drops off as it is equal to nothing. For the 3rd term, we have that: Besides, the discrepancy of the 3rd term is of. Therefore by using bounds on both sides of ( 2.9 ) we get , which is the Ito Integral. By following a similar logic on ( 2.8 ) we get , which is the Stratonovich Integral. As explained by Oksendal in [ 3 ] , even though the two integrals look to be different, the pick of which one to be used is truly a affair depending on what belongingss the user is interested in. The more general and usual pick of normally looking into the Ito Integral is due to the fact that it is non looking into the hereafter, which is a belongings we care for in Biology. Besides Stratonovich is handled better under transmutations and particularly on SDEs on manifolds. On the other manus, the Ito integrals are martingales, hence deriving a computational advantage. As with classical concretion, we could non perchance use the above attack every clip we need to cipher a stochastic integral. The biggest discovery in Stochastic Calculus could perchance be due to Kiyoshi Ito. Lemma 2.1 ( Ito ‘s Lemma ) [ 3 ] Let be an Ito procedure given by Let. Then is once more an Ito procedure and , where is computed harmonizing to the regulations and The Ito Lemma, or otherwise known as the Ito expression, is the equivalent of a alteration of variable expression. One could reasonably easy notice from the construction of the expression that it stems from a Taylor series enlargement to the 2nd partial derived function in footings of the stochastic procedure. As an illustration, we would wish to corroborate the consequence ( 2.12 ) , i.e. evaluate. Therefore we set and. Then and by Ito ‘s expression we get , which leads to the same reply as ( 2.12 ) , viz.Preliminaries for fractional Brownian Motion ( fBM )Our probe will non be limited to the Brownian Motion and to SDEs with BM. We are interested in widening our consequences to the fractional Brownian gesture every bit good to SDEs with fBM. Harmonizing to [ 6 ] , the procedure has been defined in 1940 by Kolmogorov in [ 7 ] and its belongingss, i.e. self similarity and long term dependance, were developed by Mandelbrot and Van Ness in [ 8 ] . Another of import subscriber was the British hydrologist Harold Edwin Hurst [ 9 ] . In his surveies on the Nile River, he observed through 800 old ages worth of empirical informations, that the H2O degrees had a long term dependence and self similarity. To depict that dependence, he estimated a parametric quantity, allow us name H, based on his informations. Definition 2.2 We define a Gaussian procedure with uninterrupted sample waies as a standard fractional Brownian Motion ( fBM ) with Hurst parametric quantity if it satisfies: , for all. Merely by merely looking at look ( 2.19 ) , it is obvious that we should see a trichotomy on the value of the power in the right manus side, more peculiarly at the value: For, , therefore is the standard B.M. For the increases are positively correlated For the increases are negatively correlated As we mentioned supra, two really of import belongingss of fBM are self similarity and long term dependance. Definition 2.3 A procedure is said to be self similar with parametric quantity if for each It is reasonably easy to see that for the procedure we can compose Therefore fBM is a self similar procedure with parametric quantity H and Besides, sing long scope dependance, allow. Then for and therefore the procedure is long scope dependant.Figure. Fractional Brownian Motion Paths with H=0.7Besides, we are interested in the undermentioned theorem as a tool for work outing SDEs affecting fBM: Theorem 2.1 if is with derived functions to order two, so a.s. If we let so we have the usual Ito expression.Numeric Approximation and SimulationsThe chief range of our work Is to develop tolls and methods that can be used to numerically stand for Brownian Motion waies, fractional Brownian Motion waies and SDEs with either BM or fBM. The intent of imitating the first two is so that we can utilize them as inputs in the SDEs in both instances of existent expressed solutions and numerical estimates. The intent to imitate SDEs comes as we can come close numerically their solutions in instances where an expressed solution can non be found. The plans used for this paper can be found in Appendix A. We will get down by specifying our mistake measuring expression. Definition 3.1 ( Error expressions ) Let be the existent values of X and the numerical approximated values of Ten at clip points. Then is the absolute mistake, is the comparative mistake, and is the mean mistake We use different signifiers of mistake measurings so that we are susceptible to misdirecting consequences. Next we deal with our attack to imitate the different procedures. The basic and common rule is to discretize the procedure as we are utilizing Matlab. Get downing with the standard Brownian Motion, we use its belongingss, i.e. the fact that it is a Gaussian procedure whose increases follow a normal distribution with average 0 and discrepancy equal to the time-step. Therefore we use a build-in random figure generator that provides us with a and we scale by, where is the time-step. For our work we considered equidistant dividers, i.e. , where T is the stopping clip and N is the figure of time-steps desired. Besides, we normally investigate our procedures on in order to cut down as much complexness and cost on the plan. As expected, we produce different waies of the Brownian Motion even if we preserve all the invariables ( Figure 1 ) . Though the writer ‘s original codification was successful, the codification suggested in [ 2 ] by Higham is slender and really efficient. We besides employ the belongingss of the fractional Brownian gesture in order to imitate its waies. The undermentioned stairss are needed [ 10 ] : Form an NxN matrix A whose entries are given by ( 2.19 ) , i.e the covariance of the procedure. Measure the square root of A utilizing the Cholesky decomposition method. Generate a 1xN vector V whose entries are from a standard Gaussian distribution Apply to v. A sample of five fBM waies with parametric quantity H=0.7 can be seen in Figure 2. As we now have tools to imitate both BM and fBM, we proceed to discourse the estimates of SDEs. We start by look intoing three methods for Stochastic Differential Equations affecting standard Brownian Motion as defined in [ 5 ] . The best acting method will be applied to Stochastic Differential Equations with fractional Brownian Motion. So, the undertaking is to come close the stochastic procedure fulfilling the SDE: on and initial value For simpleness intents we set and. So we get.Using the Ito expression to ( 3.5 ) we have that We now introduce the three methods: Definition 3.2 ( Euler Method ) For on the interval, the Euler estimate is a uninterrupted clip stochastic procedure fulfilling the iterative strategy: More specifically in our instance that we wish to use the method to ( 3.6 ) , we get: Definition 3.3 ( Heun Method ) For on the interval, the Heun method is fulfilling the iterative strategy: , where More specifically in our instance that we wish to use the method to ( 3.6 ) , we get: , where The rule behind the Heun method is really much alike to the Euler one, with the difference that alternatively of the procedure being evaluated at the end points, the trapezoid regulation is being used. Definition 3.4 ( Milstein Method ) For on the interval, the Milstein estimate is a uninterrupted clip stochastic procedure fulfilling the iterative strategy: More specifically in our instance that we wish to use the method to ( 3.6 ) , we get: The Milstein method is in a sense an â€Å" evolutionary † signifier of the Euler method. The basic difference is that one excess term is included in the method. Another of import comment is that the Ito-Taylor enlargement is used in order to deduce this method, hence supplying an order 1.0 strong Taylor strategy. Next we compare the three methods with the existent solution diagrammatically.Figure Simulations for N=1000 andFigure. Simulations forFigure. Simulations forTable. Table of Absolute MistakesTable. Table of Relative MistakesAs shown by graphs 3-5 we get the thought that the Heun method is non appropriate for SDEs whatsoever. In fact, the strategy seems to diverge one time BM is involved. Therefore it is wholly abandoned for our intents. In comparing the two staying methods, even though both seem to follow the existent solution, the Milstein strategy seems to hold a much smaller divergence from the existent solution ( Tables 1 & A ; 2 ) . The consequence is non surpris ing as both Euler and Milstein can be derived by using the Taylor multinomial enlargement to the SDE, with the difference that the Milstein strategy is of higher order. The one chief concern normally with higher order strategies, is the how computationally expensive it can be. Truth is though, that even a criterion place computing machine can easy run the plans in affair of seconds. As such, we further prove the Milstein strategy against the existent solutions of two more non-linear SDEs, viz. : , that has as an expressed solution Besides we test the SDE , whose solution is Our following measure is to widen our consequences to supply a method that works in SDEs with fBM. We besides compare numerically our method with an N-step method suggested by Ian Lewis in [ 6 ] . As with the Milstein method for SDEs affecting Brownian Motion, we apply the Taylor multinomial to the general signifier of SDE with fBM. Our consequence and suggested method is given by: One comment for our method is that if we set we get expression ( 3.13 ) which is the Milstein method for SDEs affecting standard Brownian Gesture. Proof: The Milstein Scheme for standard Brownian gesture can be produced by adding the term to the Euler method. In similar attack we have Measuring the last term we have: Substituting back in ( 3.20 ) we get For the numerical simulation, we consider the SDE with Its solution is given by Next we run a comparing of the drawn-out Milstein strategy to the existent solution of the SDE with. The result is really encouraging.Figure. SDE with fBM utilizing the drawn-out Milstein Method Table 5. Average MistakesIn a caput to head comparing with the method suggested in [ 6 ] , we resulted in an absolute mistake of nothing. After farther probe it seems that the two strategies are in fact the same strategy. The chief difference is that the suggested method in this paper is a much simpler look and non dependent on summing ups of ternary integrals.DecisionsWe believe that our methods for imitating Brownian Motion and fractional Brownian Motion is reasonably strong due to the fact that they are derived straight from the belongingss of the procedures. Sing SDEs with Brownian Motion, we reject the Heun method and take to either usage either Euler or Milstein method. The Milstein method is slightly closer to the exact solution, but the Euler method might be more appropriate for finer dividers on t. Finally we suggest that for SDEs affecting fBM, the drawn-out Milstein method should be used. R. Brown, A brief history of microscopical observations made in the months of June, July and August, 1827, on the atoms contained in the pollen of workss ; and on the general being of active molecules in organic and inorganic organic structures. † Phil. Mag. 4, 161-173, 1828. D.J. HIGHAM, An algorithmic Introduction to Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations, SIAM Review, September 2001, Vol. 43, Number 3, pp. 525-546 B.Oksendal, Stochastic Differential Equations, An Introduction with Applications, Fifth Edition, Springer, 1998. D.W. Strook & A ; S.R.S Varadhan, Multidimensional Diffusion Processes, Springer-Verlag, 1979, p51. P. Kloeden AND E. Platen, Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations, Springer, 1992 I. Lewis, One Stage Approximation of SDEs with Noise Modeled as fractional Brownian Motion, Honors Undergraduate Thesis supervised by B. Pasik-Duncan, 2005 A.N. Kolmogorov, Wienersche Spiralan and einige andere interessante Kurven im Hilbertschen Raum, C.R. ( doklady ) Acad. Sci. Urss ( N.S. ) , 26, 1940, pp. 115-118 B.B. Mandelbrot and J.W. Van Ness, Fractional Brownian gesture, fractional noises and applications, SIAm Rev. , 10, 1968, pp. 422-437 H.E. Hurst, Long Term Storage Capacity of Reservoirs, Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1951, 116, 770-799 J. Beran ( 1994 ) Statistics for Long-Memory Procedures, Chapman & A ; Hall

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Summary of Carrie Essays - Carrie, Rita Desjardin, Sue Snell

Summary of Carrie Essays - Carrie, Rita Desjardin, Sue Snell Summary of Carrie English Summary. A Summary of Carrie. So far they have brought you into the beginning of how it all started. Carrie just had her first period at the age of seventeen and they tell you about how people bully her and who is on top and who is not. They brought a lot of characters into light like Sue, Chris and Ms. Desjardin, and a little on who they may become as the story goes along. The story shows you how evil Carrie?s mother is and how Carrie has been treated at home as a little child to a teenager. Carrie?s is also using her powers to hurt and to scare like when she makes a kid fall off his bike or when she tells her mom she will make the rocks come back. A Paraphrase On page 49 about half way down, Sue and her boyfriend Tommy are talking about the past when Tommy kicked a kid while he was down and how Sue feels bad about what she said. In the passage, what I got from it was that Sue feels bad for what she did to Carrie and wants some reason to apologize to her. Tommy tells his story to her and states that he did not apologize for what he did because he had a good reason to do it. He also tells Sue that she did not have a good reason for doing what she did because Carrie never did anything to her.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wildlife essays

Wildlife essays Curtis Freeze received his B.S. in fish and wildlife biology from Iowa State University in 1970 and a Ph.D. in ecology from Johns Hopkins University in 1977. He has served as coordinator for the United States Fish and Wildlife Services Latin American and Caribbean Program, Vice President for International Programs at World Wildlife Fund, and Executive Director of Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies. He is currently a Senior Fellow at World Wildlife Fund-US, an adjunct in the Department of Biology at Montana State University, and a consultant in biodiversity and wildlands conservation. Curt lives in Bozeman, Montana. Aesthetic- pleasurable benefits, mental or physical, such as natural beauty, which humans may experience as a result of environmental resources. Biodiversity- The variety and variability among living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they occur. Biota- all of the animals and some of the plants involved in a fishery or wildlife system. Biotic- living, as the biotic portion of an ecosystem. Conservation- the wise use and management of natural resources. Conservationist- those who use and manage natural resources. Consumptive use- includes activities that have a direct impact on wildlife numbers. Economics- the study of the allocation of resources. Ecosystem- an interacting system of biotic and abiotic components in a particular area or place. Exploitation- harvest of a resource by humans. Fishery- a system of the biota, the habitat, and the human users. Fishery management- the art and science of manipulating the biota, habitat, or human users of a fishery to produce some desired end result. Fishes- one or more representatives from at least two fish species. Green labeling- enables consumers to express through the market their preference for products that are harvested or produced in a manner that benefits degredation of environment and biodiversity. Harvest- number of game kille...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Develop a Complete Student Code of Conduct

Develop a Complete Student Code of Conduct Many schools incorporate a student code of conduct that they expect their students to follow. It should mirror the overall mission and vision of the school. A well-written student code of conduct should be simple and cover basic expectations that each student should meet. It should entail the essential elements that if followed will lead to student success. In other words, it should serve as the blueprint that allows every student to succeed. A well-written student code of conduct is simple in nature including only the most critical expectations.   The needs and limiting factors in each school are different. As such, schools must develop and adopt a student code of conduct that is tailored to their specific needs.   Developing an authentic and meaningful student code of conduct should become a school-wide effort that involves school leaders, teachers, parents, students, and community members. Every stakeholder should have input as to what should be included in the student code of conduct. Providing others a voice leads to buy-in and gives the student code of conduct more authenticity. The student code of conduct should be evaluated every year and changed whenever it is necessary to fit the ever-shifting needs of the school community. Sample Student Code of Conduct While attending school during regular hours or during school-sponsored activities, students are expected to follow these basic rules, procedures, and expectations: Your first priority at school is to learn. Avoid distractions that interfere with or are counter-intuitive to that mission.Be in the assigned place with appropriate materials, ready to work at the designated time that class begins.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself and never intentionally harm another student.Use school appropriate language and behavior at all times while maintaining friendly and courteous behavior.Be polite and respectful to everyone including students, teachers, administrators, support staff, and visitors.Follow individual teacher instructions, class rules, and expectations at all times.Do not be a bully. If you see someone being bullied, intervene by telling them to stop or immediately report it to school personnel.Do not become a distraction for others. Give every other student the opportunity to maximize their potential. Encourage your fellow students. Never tear them down.School attendance and participation in class are an essential part of the education al process. Regular attendance at school is necessary for student success. Furthermore, it allows students to achieve the maximum possible benefits from their educational experience. All students are encouraged to be present and prompt. School attendance is the responsibility of both parents and students. Represent yourself in a manner that you will be proud of in ten years. You only get one opportunity to get life right. Take advantage of the opportunities you have at school. They will help you be successful throughout your life.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Revenue Management in Restaurants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Revenue Management in Restaurants - Essay Example By calculating factors such as length-of-stay, accessibility and overbooking, revenue management practices can add to revenue, efficiency and property valuation for hotels by growing length of stay and check supply and demand to influence offered rates (Andersen, P. and Bowe, V. 2000). Nowadays McDonald's operates in the global quick service restaurant manufacturing trade. McDonald's was the lead the way of this trade and it was McDonald's which made the quick service restaurant commerce a worldwide industry by creating a enormous global profitable empire. At present McDonald's ranks 114th in the list of luck 500 companies and thanks to its ground-breaking dispensation and standardized approach to the profitable production of fast food, McDonald's has placed the quick service restaurant business between the big financial driving force industries such as steel and vehicle. According to the expert analysis Raymond Kroc the founder of McDonald's had the dream of a sequence of fast food restaurants in each American State and in the earth as well. No doubt, he wanted his fast food restaurants to serve excellence food according to permanent standards and requirement. When Kroc ongoing business in 1955 there were other well recognized fast food chains in United States, in the middle of the most extensively known were A&W, Dairy Queen, Tastee -Freez, and Big Boy, Burger King then recognized as InstaBurger King was just preliminary out. There were lots of things which alienated McDonald's from its rivals. No doubt, Raymond Kroc's goal was to make world wide fast food chain while the rest of the main fast food chains were not so excited about growth. Other fast food chains which function on a franchise basis viewed their operators as customers and only reaped benefits without providing much leadership relating to operation, endorsement, sales strategy, financi ng and food dispensation. Raymond Kroc comprehensive his hands to operators of permission McDonald's restaurants by extravagance them like do business partners in each respect of the business. These close associations with operators make sure that McDonald's restaurants in any State in the United States would dish up food according to fixed requirement and amount. Furthermore, Raymond Kroc did more than by just give recommendation regarding procedure management him allowable his operators to work out their innovative skills connecting to every feature of the franchise trade. McDonald's had set new principles for the fast food manufacturing by selling a recognized service not just original food recipes and formulas. (Greatest Business Stories of All Times) Revenue Management in Restaurants According to the expert analysis the nature of the restaurant industry, typify by many self-governing minute businesses as well as a few nationwide and international enterprises in a usually competitive environment, makes the application of revenue management, on the whole, additional problematical than in the airline and hotel sectors. Additional, adjusting the excellence of the product, and hence price levels, is much easier than for airlines and hotels. Against that, the vast preponderance of restaurants

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prevention of Falls in Elderly Rehabilitation Patients Essay

Prevention of Falls in Elderly Rehabilitation Patients - Essay Example Research on the elderly has attained ethnographic cross-cultural comparative proportions of investigation, being one of the most necessary requirements of society. Professional acute care, community care with their circumstantial inadequacies and the situational hopelessness of the elderly in those last sad years motivate Sociologists to invest more time on finding alternatives and innovations. One point all the care facilities and Governments usually forget is that the care is necessity-dependent and not just age-dependent. These articles belong to the researched data connected to this field. As the falling of elderly has become a main problem especially so in the western society, because it delays rehabilitation and healing, it is necessary to have as much information as possible on the given area. Critical assessment and comparison of two or more research pieces can give more insight to care workers like me who have to focus on the problem. This is a very pertinent area for a care giving professional and it is better to analyze the research available than simply scanning through it. I would like to appraise both the works, analyse them and compare them. I would also like to critically go through them and point out the areas of deficiency and shortcomings. I have tried to find similarities, glaring dissimilarities and various points that the researches have touched in the process. I feel it is important because of the seriousness of the problem that can make the last days of the elderly very painful, lonely and ailing. It is important to welcome as much research as possible in this region. LIMITATIONS: Both the research work show very limited perspectives of the problem. They do not envelop the entire relevant issue. Instead, they focus on certain practical advice and connected research without concentrating much on day-to-day activities of the care homes that are trying hard for a successful rehabilitation. As these researches are not highly extensive, their field strength is rather limited. Even though they represent two highly important sides of the problem, one approaching from physical angle and another from mental, it is difficult to conclude that both the papers have achieved anything absolutely conclusive. LITERATURE REVIEW: Aging touches different parameters in the Western and Eastern World because in Eastern countries, families take care of the elders under normal circumstances. Problems facing the elderly in European Countries, Australia, USA or Eastern Countries are identical. Caring for the frail elderly does not limit itself to one region or country."Older people in European society are therefore not to be regarded as a homogeneous mass but as a diverse group of people who may have only one characteristic in common - their age" says Hugman (1994, p.7). Restorative care is distinctively different from usual care because they have to be matched with the particular individualistic

Cancer (carcinoma or sarcoma) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cancer (carcinoma or sarcoma) - Essay Example In some cases the myeloma cells collect in one bone and form a single tumor known as plasmacytoma. In other cases, myeloma cells collect in many bones resulting in the formation of bone tumors. This condition is known as multiple myeloma. (â€Å"Stanford Cancer Center†) There are some cases, though, when myeloma develops from a harmless condition called monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or MGUS. This condition is indicated by the presence of monoclonal proteins produced by abnormal plasma cells in the blood. (â€Å"Mayo Clinic†) Generally, the balance between proliferation and programmed cell death is maintained by firmly regulating these processes to ensure that organs and tissues are well functioning. However, mutations in DNA that cause cancer disturb these systematized processes by affecting the programming and regulating processes. The normal balance between proliferation and cell death is apparently disrupted. (â€Å"Carcinogenesis†) Particularly for myeloma, the group of abnormal plasma cells multiplies, thus, raising the percentage of plasma cells to more than 10%. Under normal conditions, plasma cells usually make up less than 5% of the bone marrow. (â€Å"Mayo Clinic†) Although the exact cause of myeloma is not known, doctors believe that this sickness begins with a single abnormal cell in the bone marrow. This aberrant cell would then multiply. It should be noted that abnormal cells do not mature and die in the same way as normal cells do. With this, they accumulate and eventually overwhelm the production of healthy cells. (â€Å"Mayo Clinic†) Myeloma cells can also populate the other bone marrow sites in the body since they can travel in low numbers in the blood. If the growth and spread of plasma cells remain uncontrolled, bones and surrounding tissues can be damaged. (â€Å"Mayo Clinic†) Moreover, research proved that there is common abnormality in the DNA of abnormal plasma

Business Strategies for the Firm Tetra Pak Essay

Business Strategies for the Firm Tetra Pak - Essay Example Tetra Pak joined Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN) which is an initiative of WWF with intent to manage the usage of wood fiber (Environmental leader). Later in 2005, Tetra Pak began another venture with WWF when it joined Climate Savers project that encourages the companies to reduce their greenhouse emissions. These two programs indicate Tetra Pak’s concerns on environmental safety as one of its main objectives. Through the Climate Savers program, the organization aims at achieving increased energy efficiency at production sites and finding renewable materials and energy. Tetra Pak believed that integrating energy efficiency with the purchase of green energy would assist the company to keep absolute energy consumption stable while reducing dreadful greenhouse emissions (Climate innovation case study). In order to meet the extra premium price of green energy, Tetra Pak plans to utilize savings from high energy efficiency. The relationship between Climate Savers and thereby WWF has assisted Tetra Pak to set a clear and definite internal target. By the end of 2006, the firm could bring proposed organizational changes into practice. Tetra Pak jointly operates with World Class Manufacturing (WCM) which focuses on regular improvements in cost, quality, lead time, flexibility, and customer service ( In order to carry out these operations efficiently, the WCM cooperatively work with the Tetra Pak’s pillars (teams) which contain several areas such as cost, quality, focused improvement, maintenance, and safety. This area focused activities have aided the organization to increase its operational efficacy. As the part of the restructuring in strategic alignment, the factories at the Tetra Pak altered the energy efficiency operations. It is identified that this conversion process fundamentally differs from traditional approaches as it gives specific emphasis on implementing solutions for environment-related manufacturing problems. In short, the â€Å"pillar approach† enabled the Tetra Pak to efficiently deal with different types of manufacturing related issues that would seriously impinge on the environmental safety.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Identify, compare and contrast for the CIA Agency Essay

Identify, compare and contrast for the CIA Agency - Essay Example Of our concern is the fact that Directorate of Science and Technology relates to information security standards in the agency (CIA, 2011). Factors like integrity of the personnel, secretiveness of the personnel and the information, and the availability of such information make up information security. In this context, confidentiality dictates that secretive information should stay as a secret and only authorized persons should receive access to such information. On the other hand, integrity relates to the morality, soberness, and the criminal history of the personnel. Then availability of information and information security relevantly serves an important part in the Agency. Furthermore, there are different standards that govern the application of information security. Some of these standards draw certain similarities while others portray divergent characteristics. Such standards may include and are not limited to Personnel Security Standards, Investigative Requirements and Standards , and Reporting Requirements (Tenet, n.y). Nevertheless, the main aim of all information security standards for CIA Agency is to help in fulfilling its mission in U.S. The Director of Central Intelligence oversees the formulation and implementation of the information security standards for CIA Agency. The National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and Executive Orders 12333 and 12968, set all the information security standards for CIA to apply to all US Government civilian and military personnel, employees, contractors, and consultants who seek access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). The Personnel Security Standards deal with qualification for accessing SCI. They stipulate the criteria for security approval on a person who seeks to know the basis for accessing SCI. According to the standards, such a person access to SCI must be a US citizen and the individuals immediate family must be US citizens.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

(Dual Relationship) discuss the statment that in examing dual Essay

(Dual Relationship) discuss the statment that in examing dual relationships the most important issue is exploitation not duality - Essay Example Dual relationship in psychotherapy can be focused on the fact that the therapist has other existing or subsequent relationship to the patient. This relationship can either be in terms of the social aspect, financial aspect or even profession aspect. When the term dual is attributed it does not limit the issue on the concurrent relationships. Based on the opinions of the professionals the, it is important to prevent dual relationships due to the effects that can be brought about in the treatment of the patients. Basically, the relationship between therapists and patients should remain purely professional due to the probability that the medical treatments and interventions can be affected by the dual relationships that occur between the therapists and the patients. The optimum level of health care that can be given cannot be achieved if the main concern of the therapist can be affected by other issues due to the other relationship with the patient. In this case, the professionalism and the ethical issues are often considered and needed as guidelines. There are other issues that are needed to be co... But is important to consider that the cases wherein blood ties are considered as the connection between the therapist and the patient, it is still considered as a situation that is below the optimum expected. Another issue is related to the ethical considerations that can be attached to such relationships (Pope and Vetter, 1992). A. Types of Dual Relationships The main types of dual relationships are considered to be able to determine the proper actions that can be undertaken. These types are considered as the major ones which include the double roles, the double professions, the double financial relationships and the unavoidable dual relationships. The double roles can be defined as the type wherein the client or the therapist is connected in other ways. An example is the therapist may be a former student of the client. The said relationship can still be considered to have certain effects on the performance of the procedure. The relationship can be considered as relevant since it is one of the most common categories (Borys and Pope, 1989). Double professions on the other hand deals with the people that are into different professions and lines of work simultaneously. This is one of the reasons that these professionals meet people that may get their professional service. For example the therapist can at the same time be into the academe, thus students can also be clients (Borys and Pope, 1989). There are also cases of dual relationships that can be considered as inevitable and at some point a necessity. This can occur in cases such as the military wherein the officers may at the same time be therapists and medical professionals, thus are licensed to

Identify, compare and contrast for the CIA Agency Essay

Identify, compare and contrast for the CIA Agency - Essay Example Of our concern is the fact that Directorate of Science and Technology relates to information security standards in the agency (CIA, 2011). Factors like integrity of the personnel, secretiveness of the personnel and the information, and the availability of such information make up information security. In this context, confidentiality dictates that secretive information should stay as a secret and only authorized persons should receive access to such information. On the other hand, integrity relates to the morality, soberness, and the criminal history of the personnel. Then availability of information and information security relevantly serves an important part in the Agency. Furthermore, there are different standards that govern the application of information security. Some of these standards draw certain similarities while others portray divergent characteristics. Such standards may include and are not limited to Personnel Security Standards, Investigative Requirements and Standards , and Reporting Requirements (Tenet, n.y). Nevertheless, the main aim of all information security standards for CIA Agency is to help in fulfilling its mission in U.S. The Director of Central Intelligence oversees the formulation and implementation of the information security standards for CIA Agency. The National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and Executive Orders 12333 and 12968, set all the information security standards for CIA to apply to all US Government civilian and military personnel, employees, contractors, and consultants who seek access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). The Personnel Security Standards deal with qualification for accessing SCI. They stipulate the criteria for security approval on a person who seeks to know the basis for accessing SCI. According to the standards, such a person access to SCI must be a US citizen and the individuals immediate family must be US citizens.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example for Free

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Toyota Motor Corporation is an automotive manufacture stationed in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. It was established in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spin-off from Toyota Industries, his father’s company, to create automobiles. It has grown from just a dream to the world’s largest automobile manufacturer by 2012. Toyota made history when it became the first automobile manufacturer to produce 10 million vehicles in just one year. It has so far produced more than 200 million vehicles. The company produces vehicles under the brands of Lexus, Scion, Toyota, Hino, and Ranz. The company has, however, faced challenges because it has failed to perform the corporate structure, cooperate with regulator better, and pay adequate attention to the complaints of their consumers. I. Issues that the managers in the case are confronting The managers of Toyota are currently facing various issues. By 2012 they had to recall more than nine million cars since there were strong claims that they had defects. Recalling this huge number of cars would results in huge losses. First, there would be the cost of repairing these vehicles so that they can be roadworthy. Then there is the amount of time spent focusing on  the repair or damage control due to the defective vehicles that could be used in other productive activities. Meanwhile, as they are busy recalling the vehicles, their competitors are focusing on production and this could mean increase in their sales. The management has to work double and strategize on how to manage this mishap so that it does not result in unnecessary huge company losses. The managers’ methods of handling this crisis will significantly affect the turnover of the company. This thus calls for a lot of professionalism and tact when handling the situation. Moreover, the company has been the cause of thirty-seven deaths since the year 2000. This kind of information when released to the public negatively affects how the public perceives the company. The case study reports that unintended acceleration was one of the major reasons why the vehicles were recalled. The managers of Toyota will have to find out the effect of this kind of information on the attitudes of the consumers and reverse them. The managers are also confronted with the need to engage in more effective advertisement to correct the dented image of the company. They also need to assess their production techniques to make sure that such defects will not occur again anytime in future. I. Management concepts and theories Toyota has a strong culture because they have core values and norms which are widely shared among over 30,000 staff members. The company has an integrationist perspective of culture. The integrated culture has led to the company’s huge success. It shares organization-wide agreement of managerially sanctioned values. The Michigan Model of human resource management can critically evaluate the issues raised in the case study when based on Theory X (Rudman, 1999). The theory points out that the workers avoid responsibility and they cannot be trusted. When a company calls back nine million vehicles, a number almost equal to the number of cars produced annually, then somebody is definitely underperforming. There must be a whole department full of employees of Toyota who have been mandated with the responsibility of ensuring that the vehicles produced are fit for the road. Their failure to ensure that over nine million vehicles do not go to the market fit makes them not easy to be tr usted. The workers can also be classified as lazy since industrious workers would never let such a huge number of cars be released to the market while defective on their watch. Additionally, the company needs little autonomy just like in the Michigan Model of human resource development (Rudman, 1999). Their independence should be limited, as they need tight control and close monitoring. These conditions would assert that the company does not get overwhelmed by its mission to be number one and forget about the importance of releasing safe cars into the market. Being ahead of their competition has proved to Toyota that that is a very dangerous place to be. The company must have developed a sense of pride that made them complacent and indifferent to reality. The complacency finally developed into arrogance since their workers saw no need of assessing their products to match current quality standards because after all, they were still number one. The company focused on containments and cost reduction instead of focusing on what was really necessary, quality of output. Production on such large scales would make it easy to reduce costs due to economies of scale ( Herman, 2008). However, it reaches a point where reduction of production cost would have a negative effect on the quality of output. At such circumstances, the workers should have ensured that quality was important. This way they would not have rushed into releasing the products into the market and end up selling to the world vehicles that had defects such as unintended acceleration. The model regards the employees simply as resources for achieving the goals of the organization (Nankervis, Compton, Baird 2010). The company would find them irrelevant for inclusion into the process of strategizing and planning for the future of the company. The management would therefore lack a good quorum when discussing best scrutiny methods that would not result in the sale of defective vehicles by the company. Regardless of this, common sense should be considered as the only route to the success of the company. The notion that assessment of products to ensure that they match the level of quality that has been advertised to the consumers should be common to all. They should not allow the sale of products that fall short of the currently expected level of quality as this eventually affects the company sales. II. Critical review about the management strategies There are various decisions that could be tried by Toyota to resolve the issue. The company should give its regional managers more freedom to make independent decisions rather than have a rigid Japan-centered structure of  organization (Clegg, Kornberger, Pitsis 2011). Giving their regional managers more autonomy would speed up the process of decision making as it cuts down on the bureaucracy issues. It also increases creativity as the managers are allowed to come up with better managerial activities since they are free to do so. This freedom, when used responsibly by the managers, would help reduce the risk of complacency and ignorance to customer satisfaction as it has been noted by the current company practices. The effects of the mistakes of one regional manager can also be minimized since their decisions are not implemented on a global scale. Instead of having nine million recalled cars we might have just two hundred thousand since not all the regional managers will make the same mistake. The regional managers would also have role models of good management to emulate. Since these role models would be their colleagues then they are very likely to be successful at fulfilling their mission of meeting the same targets as their mentors. Toyota’s decision to deny the claims that they were defective cars to their consumers did not work at all. You cannot have the loss of thirty seven lives in your conscience and still be able to look at the family and friends’ victims’ eyes and deny that you had nothing to do with when in fact you really did. This was a very bad decision and that is why it did not work and they had to apologize later on. They should have taken the claims more seriously and investigated the matter too very well before making public announcements of denial or acceptance of their mistakes. The fact that they initially denied the claims and then apologized later on then recalled over nine million cars means that they had not taken seriously the allegations against them. III. Recommendations Toyota should have employed the Japanese approach of organizational culture to remedy this situation (Adler, Gundersen 2008). They should first create new knowledge. This would be done by assessing the situation and determining what is really going on and the cause of the problems. It is only by creating new knowledge that the problem can be understood and the solutions to these problems calculated. You cannot solve a problem if you know nothing about it. Research should be done to gauge what the public knows and compare it with the right information. Corrective advertising should be implemented in cases where there is a huge discrepancy. The company should also tap  tacit and subjective insights. The tacit insights include those cultures, which are implied or understood without stating. Subjective insights are one’s understanding of specific effect and cause in a particular context influenced or based on tastes, personal feelings and opinions. The company should also bank on the hunches and intuition of employees (Waddell, Jones George 2011). The employees know and understand how the business works. This means that they know one or two ideas that are not obvious to everyone else. They should use the company when dealing with such a crisis. This way the best approaches known to man will be formulated as you cannot go wrong when you have over 30,000 ideas to choose from. The company should not depend exclusively on processing objective data. In summary, Toyota has experienced some setbacks as it has not been able to cooperate better with regulator, perform the corporate structure, and pay enough attention to consumers’ complaints. The managers of Toyota are currently faced with issues such as recalling of more than nine million cars since there were strong claims that they had defects and the company has been the cause of thirty-seven deaths since the year 2000. The Michigan Model of human resource management can critically evaluate the issues raised in the case study when based on Theory X. Finally, Toyota should have employed the Japanese approach of organizational culture to remedy this situation. They should first create new knowledge. References Adler, N. Gundersen, A. 2008. International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour 5th edn, Thompson Higher Education, Ohio, USA Aguinis, Herman (2008). Performance Management, 2nd Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New York Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., Pitsis, T. 2011, Managing Organisations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, London, Sage. Nankervis, A. R., Compton, R. L. Baird, M. 2010, Human Resource Management: Strategies and Processes, 7th edn, Southbank, Thomson. Rudman, R. 1999, Human Resource Management in New Zealand. 3rd edn, Auckland: Addison Wesley Longman, New Zealand Limited. Waddell, D, Jones, G George, J. 2011, Contemporary Management. 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, North Ryde.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Non Renewable Energy Sources Environmental Sciences Essay

The Non Renewable Energy Sources Environmental Sciences Essay Non-renewable energy sources is widely used for its relatively cheap price, it is readily available, its location, integration, and economic benefits. Nonrenewable energy sources are a lot cheaper to mine and utilize versus the alternative renewable energy resources. The United States Energy Information Administration states that power plants fueled by coal and other nonrenewable energy sources produce electricity at a cheaper cost than when generated by renewable energy source, wind for example. Biofuels, derived from plants, are more expensive to produce and yield a worse miles per gallon rating than non-renewable source petroleum. Many people have supported the use of renewable energy, but have not thought of the negative effects it can bring to society if it were to completely replace non-renewable energy sources. It can lead to an increase in unemployment if this were to happen. Fossil fuel industries employ millions of people and generate more than a trillion dollars in revenue . The transition of adopting an alternative energy will provide jobs but the magnitude of such action will only be hard to do. Renewable energy can only be sited in certain location and its distribution is no readily available to that of petroleum. Petroleum, a fossil fuel, can be easily distributed through pipelines to most areas at a relatively low cost. This provides a better alternative than that of alternative energy sources. Take wind turbines as an example, an electric-producing generator that requires areas that have significant amount of winds are not as effective as utilizing oil that is readily available. Global infrastructures are designed to use non-renewable energy and the integration of renewable sources is one that is hard to implement. Making this transition will require wholesale changes in energy production and its distribution. Biofuel, an alternative energy, requires its own pumps and well which require a huge investment of capital on part of the seller. Just li ke non-renewable energy, sources have its advantages it also has its disadvantages ( Non-renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, is highly sought for being the cheapest alternative other energy, but many disadvantages exists with its use. The issues entangled with such energy source are that it is a finite source, produces pollution, environmental issues, and human dependency. Non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels will eventually run out and humans must shift to other alternatives. It takes millions of years for fossil fuels to form and we are consuming them at a fast rate. Once this finite source runs out, humans will need to invest in alternative energies and if not done in time, it can stunt economic growth. Fossil fuels when utilized produce a byproduct known as carbon dioxide, which is the culprit to hurting the human health. Many industrial companies produce tons of carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide into the atmosphere causing a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the main contributor to global warming, the process of earths increase in temper ature due to the destruction of the ozone layer. This contributes to the melting of ice caps, which in return will raise the ocean and destroy habitats. During mining for coal and drilling oil there are many dangers to the environment involved. It creates an imbalance to our ecosystem by destroying the land and the surrounding habitats. Oil spills caused by drilling in the oceans damages the marine life and the natural balance of the underwater ecosystem ( Non-renewable energy source mainly consist of coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power. In the United States and many other countries the most well-known fossil fuel is coal. Coal has been used as a power source since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Coal was formed from plant life buried in the Earth millions of years ago and it is carbon based. ( It is the largest non-renewable energy sources consumed in the United States. During 1997, U.S. coal production reached a record high of 1,087 million tons, an increase of 2.3 percent, or 25 million tons, above 1996 production levels (PDF). Coal is commonly used to produce electricity in power plants, fuel for heating, and for making steel. Many chemicals derived from coal are used to produce and manufacture nylon, paints, plastics, and rubber among other products. Coal is ranked based on the amount of heat it produces. It is ranked, in increasing order, brown coal, subbituminous coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite. Bituminous is the most common type and is soft coal. Just as coal is sought for its properties and use, oil is also a strong non-renewable energy source. Crude oil comes in a variety of characteristics it ranges from a very fluid volatile liquid to a viscous like fluid, close to semisolid. Their density varies, according to how dense the crude oil is, it is described as heavy, average or light. The lighter it the density the more gasoline it contains, a preferred refined product. It can come in multiple colors in its crude state. Colors consist of black, green, yellow, or even transparent. Gasoline, also known in its raw form as petroleum is another fossil fuel. Everyone knows about gasoline because the important role it plays in our economy. Gasoline powers the majority of automobiles and vehicles on the planet today. The combustion engine made using gasoline a cheap and efficient source of energy for powering these vehicles ( Crude oil, a hydrocarbon, is composed entirely of carbon and hydrogen with some minor impurities of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. It has multiple applications, once refined, such as gasoline, kerosene, furnace oil, and many other types. Petroleum is a crude oil that can be distilled to make lubricating oils, asphalt, and other products. Along with coal, it is one of the major producers of energy. In combination, coal and petroleum produce 60 percent of U.S. energy consumed today and their use is expected to generate 20 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity by 2015, up from a 1995 level of 11.4 trillion kilowatt-hours (PDF). Another non-renewable source composed of hydrocarbons is Natural gas. Natural gas is a mixture of flammable gases, mainly the hydrocarbons methane and ethane that occurs beneath the surface of the Earth. Natural gas is commonly found in association with petroleum due to the same favorable condition they are found it. It can be manufactured directly from coal and petroleum as well. Natural gas is favorable as an energy source because it inexpensive to transport via pipelines from one place to anot her. It is estimated that about 100 million metric tons of natural gas are reserve, estimated to last about 100 years. Another non-renewable energy source was expected to a clean and cheap alternative but lacked support. Nuclear power does not produce pollution such as greenhouse gasses compared to fossil fuels. Many believed this energy, at one point, be cheaper and outlast many other non-renewable resources. Many electrical power plants take advantage of nuclear energy as an alternative for producing electricity. Nuclear reactors provide the energy to heat the water that is converted into steam, which then drives a turbine-generator to produce electricity. The fission of uranium atoms allows the production of heat in the reactors to also produce the steam. Uranium is the fuel for nuclear reactors. It is an abundant and naturally radioactive element found in most rocks and as it decays it produces heat inside the Earths crust. This process is similar in a nuclear reactor. Heat is produced in a nuclear reactor when neutrons strike uranium atoms, causing them to split in a continuous chain reaction. There are several commercial reactors distributed around the United States whose design consist mainly of heavy steel pressure vessels surrounding the reactor core. This reactor core contains the uranium. Nuclear power, a non-renewable energy source, deemed to be the best compared to others in terms of clean efficient energy but its lack of management stunt its growth. Construction costs and the numerous regulation imposed by the government led this project to more expensive than originally predicted making it a nonprofit source, something not acceptable. Along with its poor management there posed many dangers with handling nuclear power. Nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania and the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in Ukraine raised many concerns about its safety. The United States has not built a new nuclear facility in over twenty years, a relatively complex energy source ( Non-renewable energy as a source has been controversial for many reasons but humans are highly dependent of it. There are not any alternative and more efficient energy sources that can provide the world with cheaper and more readily energy than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are frowned upon for the pollution they create. Even strong supporters of fossil fuel use will agree. The pollution leads to climate change, health risks from overexposure, and the highly controversial global warming. Whether it is about the release of greenhouse gases being release or spills of petroleum in natural habitats, the dangers are very real. We can assume that increased coal production and consumption will lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from fossil fuel power plants. Thus, not only is coal consumption increasing but, more importantly, carbon dioxide (CO2), a major greenhouse gas emitted from burning coal, will also increase (PDF). Scientists are looking for better ways to harvest and use fossil fuel. Some include a hybrid mixture of a non-renewable source with a renewable source. The mixing of gasoline with biofuels have shown to provide a cleaner form of carbon fuels such as natural gas and bio matter from livestock ( Besides the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, the economic impact also is very damaging. Non-renewable are becoming more scarce and this will increase the price to obtain such needed energy. Non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power will eventually run out or harder to produce leading humans to find more efficient renewable sources (

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The role of Women in Julius Ceasar Essay -- Essays Papers

The role of Women in Julius Ceasar In the play â€Å"Julius Caesar† by William Shakespeare, women play an important role. The women are important factors in foreshadowing and in the development of many of the characters. To look at the role of women in the play we must look deeper in to the roles of the only two women in the play; Calpurnia, wife of Caesar, and Portia, wife of Brutus. Both of these women are key in foreshadowing the murder of Caesar. After Caesar’s murder we do not hear much of either of them. The main thing Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia does in the play is tell Caesar to stay at home on the day of his murder because of many unnatural events that have taken place the night before and because she has had nightmares about his assassination. On the morning of the ides of march is the first time we meet Calpurnia, her entrance is act 2 scene one when she tells Caesar â€Å"You shall not stir out of your house today.† Caesar decides he shall â€Å"forth† until Calpurnia tells him why he shouldn’t go to the capitol today. Some of the reasons she included were:  · A lioness â€Å"whelped† in the streets.  · Graves opened and showed their dead people.  · Warriors of fire fought on the clouds and drizzled blood upon the capitol.  · Horses neighed and dead men groaned.  · Ghosts shrieked in the streets. She than showed her discomfort with these things by saying †O Caesar, these things are beyond all use, / and I do fear them.† Caesar says these are just as... The role of Women in Julius Ceasar Essay -- Essays Papers The role of Women in Julius Ceasar In the play â€Å"Julius Caesar† by William Shakespeare, women play an important role. The women are important factors in foreshadowing and in the development of many of the characters. To look at the role of women in the play we must look deeper in to the roles of the only two women in the play; Calpurnia, wife of Caesar, and Portia, wife of Brutus. Both of these women are key in foreshadowing the murder of Caesar. After Caesar’s murder we do not hear much of either of them. The main thing Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia does in the play is tell Caesar to stay at home on the day of his murder because of many unnatural events that have taken place the night before and because she has had nightmares about his assassination. On the morning of the ides of march is the first time we meet Calpurnia, her entrance is act 2 scene one when she tells Caesar â€Å"You shall not stir out of your house today.† Caesar decides he shall â€Å"forth† until Calpurnia tells him why he shouldn’t go to the capitol today. Some of the reasons she included were:  · A lioness â€Å"whelped† in the streets.  · Graves opened and showed their dead people.  · Warriors of fire fought on the clouds and drizzled blood upon the capitol.  · Horses neighed and dead men groaned.  · Ghosts shrieked in the streets. She than showed her discomfort with these things by saying †O Caesar, these things are beyond all use, / and I do fear them.† Caesar says these are just as...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Critical Response- George Orwells Shooting And Elephant :: essays research papers

Critical Response Essay I class, we read a short story by George Orwell called Shooting an Elephant. It was a story about courage, judgment, and the pressure of peers. I personally did not like this story. I found it boring, pointless, and just another "hasn’t -this -happened -to -you" story about nothing. However, it was very well written, and if I had to critically respond to this story, I would praise the author on a number of things. The story opens by describing the relationship between the town and himself, a sort of sub-division police officer of the town. Description is definetly not lacking in the opening, as words such as "aimless", and "petty" are used to describe the town, and the way it treats it officers. It descriibes the kind of ignorance the town has to outsiders and anyone they do not "approve of". The story opens well, and clarifies right away, the who, what, where, when, why and how. No questions are asked and all confusions are quickly abolished. The second paragraph describes very vividly how he the narrator feels about his job choice, and his views on the village. He says "†¦I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible". The narrator not only is in a place where he hates, but he also hates the people he works with, and works for! Wow, how’d he end up there? Basically, the story line goes along to tell the tale of an elephant that needs to be killed, because it got out of the zoo and endagers the community. The story describes how the main character feels about himself and the pressures of the community. A showdown climaxes the storyline between the elephant and the narrator, and the entire village is there to witness and entice the main character. Critical Response- George Orwells Shooting And Elephant :: essays research papers Critical Response Essay I class, we read a short story by George Orwell called Shooting an Elephant. It was a story about courage, judgment, and the pressure of peers. I personally did not like this story. I found it boring, pointless, and just another "hasn’t -this -happened -to -you" story about nothing. However, it was very well written, and if I had to critically respond to this story, I would praise the author on a number of things. The story opens by describing the relationship between the town and himself, a sort of sub-division police officer of the town. Description is definetly not lacking in the opening, as words such as "aimless", and "petty" are used to describe the town, and the way it treats it officers. It descriibes the kind of ignorance the town has to outsiders and anyone they do not "approve of". The story opens well, and clarifies right away, the who, what, where, when, why and how. No questions are asked and all confusions are quickly abolished. The second paragraph describes very vividly how he the narrator feels about his job choice, and his views on the village. He says "†¦I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible". The narrator not only is in a place where he hates, but he also hates the people he works with, and works for! Wow, how’d he end up there? Basically, the story line goes along to tell the tale of an elephant that needs to be killed, because it got out of the zoo and endagers the community. The story describes how the main character feels about himself and the pressures of the community. A showdown climaxes the storyline between the elephant and the narrator, and the entire village is there to witness and entice the main character.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Plot Summary I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings follows Marguerite's (called â€Å"My† or â€Å"Maya† by her brother) life from the age of three to seventeen and the struggles she faces – particularly with racism – in the Southern United States. Abandoned by their parents, Maya and her older brother Bailey are sent to live with their paternal grandmother (Momma) and crippled uncle (Uncle Willie) in Stamps, Arkansas. Maya and Bailey are haunted by their parents' abandonment throughout the book – they travel alone and are labeled like baggage. [20] The community of Stamps, Arkansas, is the setting for most of the book. Many of the problems Maya encounters in her childhood stem from the overt racism of her white neighbors. Although Momma is relatively wealthy because she owns the general store at the heart of Stamps' Black community, the white children of their town hassle Maya's family relentlessly. One of these â€Å"powhitetrash† girls, for example, reveals her pubic hair to Momma in a humiliating incident. Early in the book, Momma hides Uncle Willie in a vegetable bin to protect him from Ku Klux Klan raiders. Maya has to endure the insult of her name being changed to Mary by a racist employer. A white speaker at her eighth grade graduation ceremony disparages the Black audience by suggesting that they have limited job opportunities. A white dentist refuses to treat Maya's rotting tooth, even when Momma reminds him that she had loaned him money during the Depression. The Black community of Stamps enjoys a moment of racial victory when they listen to the radio broadcast of Joe Louis's championship fight, but generally they feel the heavy weight of racist oppressions. A turning point in the book occurs when Maya and Bailey's father unexpectedly appears in Stamps. He takes the two children with him when he departs, but leaves them with their mother in St. Louis, Missouri. Eight-year-old Maya is sexually abused and raped by her mother's boyfriend, Mr. Freeman. He is found guilty during the trial, but escapes jail time and is murdered, probably by Maya's uncles. Maya feels guilty and withdraws from everyone but her brother. Even after returning to Stamps, Maya remains reclusive and nearly mute until she meets Mrs. Bertha Flowers, â€Å"the aristocrat of Black Stamps†,[21] who supplies her with books to encourage her love of reading. This coaxes Maya out of her shell. Later, Momma decides to send her grandchildren to their mother in San Francisco, California, to protect them from the dangers of racism in Stamps. Maya attends George Washington High School and studies dance and drama on a scholarship at the California Labor School. Before graduating, she becomes the first Black female streetcar conductor in San Francisco. While still in high school, Maya visits her father in southern California one summer, and has some experiences pivotal to her development. She drives a car for the first time when she must transport her intoxicated father home from an excursion to Mexico. She experiences homelessness for a short time after a fight with her father's girlfriend. During Maya's final year of high school, she worries that she might be a lesbian (which she equates with being a hermaphrodite), and initiates sexual intercourse with a teenage boy. She becomes pregnant, and on the advice of her brother, she hides from her family until her eighth month of pregnancy in order to graduate from high school. Maya gives birth at the end of the book and begins her journey to adulthood by accepting her role as mother to her newborn son. ird sings

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Are We an Overmedicated Society Essay

Are we an overmedicated society? Have you ever opened your medicine cabinet, and really looked at its contents? Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly what is in those bottles, and what it is doing inside your body? Do we really need all of those drugs? These are the questions I began asking myself a few years ago, and I feel most people should be questioning these things more often. Every time that I see a new commercial or advertisement that highlights a dangerous drug and the resulting lawsuits, I have to wonder how many drugs out there are just as dangerous, but haven’t been documented yet. How many diseases are fabricated so that more drugs can be sold? We have been engineered to believe that every human emotion and condition is a disease and should be medicated. But how much is too much? My first argument is that society today has become much too reliant on prescription medications and it has gotten to be out of control on many grounds. The two groups of individuals I feel are most at risk for this type of over-indulgence are children and the elderly. A third group of concern involves the mentally impaired or depressed segment of society, which I will get to. But first, I will divulge my assessment of children’s psychiatry from my viewpoint. A century ago, parents were free to discipline their children in the way they saw fit. As a result, children grew up to be respectable adults with jobs and accountability for their actions. There were still those who deviated of course, but it seems it was much less prevalent than it is today. Now, we have become a society who is afraid to discipline their children for fear of repercussion from social services and the threat of losing their children. As a result, we now have many children growing up who learn that they are in charge of their parents. These children are not required to respect their parents, and this results in a lack of respect for humans in general. This has consequently led to a rise in sociopathic behavior among teenagers and young adults who have been raised with absolutely no accountability for their actions or respect for human life. For those parents whose children have gotten out of control, they customarily turn to their family physicians for advice. I believe this has led to a rise in the creation of childhood diseases and medications to go along with them. In recent years, there appears to be a huge increase in the number of children diagnosed with ADHD and different levels of the Autism spectrum. These children are being sedated with pills instead of learning how to behave in a socially acceptable manner. They then grow up never learning how to properly integrate into society, and from there we have mentally impaired, depressed, and often sociopathic adults who are told they will require more medication and sedation for their entire lives. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a second segment of society that is suffering from pharmaceutical negligence is the elderly population. You may have noticed the number of medications typically found in your grandmother’s medicine cabinet, and this scenario is not atypical. Seniors are taking medications for things that don’t need to be medicated. As a result, they need additional medications to combat the side effects of the original medications prescribed. It is like a domino effect, each one building on another. One drug might be taken for low glucose levels. This drug may cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol, giving rise to the need for additional medications to counteract those two life-threatening conditions. In turn the secondary medications might have adverse reactions requiring additional medications and so on, creating a dangerous level of chemicals taken daily. Having to take so many medications, and often on a low or fixed income, puts a huge strain on the average elderly patient, and significantly lowers the quality of life experienced in the last phase of life. In addition to young children and senior citizens, my third area of concern is the mental health arena. We are currently diagnosing illnesses and prescribing pills for every range of normal human emotion and behavior. Feelings of anger, elation, sadness, and anxiety are all normal human responses to different stresses issued from the natural environment around us. But we have been manufactured to believe that any one of these can signal the presence of serious illness and disease, and if we are experiencing these we had better hightail it to the nearest doctor and get a pill to erase it all. This is what the pharmaceutical companies want us to believe, and it has been working amazingly well for them so far. The doctor is not programmed to tell you that you are experiencing normal human emotions, instead, they get you very upset and worried that you are actually suffering from a major mental disorder that requires immediate action and medication. Now, I agree that therapy is often needed for excess amounts of any one of these emotions. However, I feel that in most cases medication is simply not needed. Would you apply a Band-Aid to a surgical wound? That is what I feel the value of most of these medications really is. It never solves the root of the issue, so the patient continues to take these medications that their body becomes dependent on, thus supporting the drug companies for the rest of their lives. One of the main issues when it comes to mental health in patients of all ages is the subject of anti-anxiety medications. I recently discovered an article which was penned with regard to the use of anxiety medications in the United States and internationally, and whether or not it is a concern. According to Armstrong, â€Å"their use has increased in America at the rate of 7 million prescriptions a year† (1). This raises the concern that the exponential growth of these drugs will eventually lead to an entire country of sedated citizens. Despite popular belief, however, most of these prescriptions are written by family physicians and not psychiatrists, to deal with patients who believe they have a disease they don’t have and are demanding pills. Despite reassurances of the safety of the use of benzodiazepines, concerns still linger as to how much is too much. The pharmaceutical industry is greatly to blame for fueling this negligent over-use of harmful chemicals. It really is all about money, when it comes down to it. It seems like they are eager to produce any concoction that they can market to the American public that will sell in mass quantities, whether or not it is actually necessary for anyone’s health. It is possible, even, that they go as far as to manufacture their own illnesses so they can capitalize on it any way they can. As a result, there doesn’t seem to be enough research going into many of the drugs that are approved by the FDA and take up space on a pharmacy shelf. They might run it by a group of not-so-randomly selected individuals for a quick test-run. Then, even if adverse reactions are found, they are justified and dismissed and the public never even finds out. If they do, it is usually in small print at the end of a drug advertisement, and the public never even takes notice of it because they are so hyped up about the possible positive outcomes this drug may have in store for them. The marketing is so intense that it convinces many people they have diseases they don’t even have and they rush to the doctor to fill their demands. According to Strand & Wallace, â€Å"†¦fewer than 50% of all of the serious adverse reactions to a new drug the FDA releases are identified prior to its release into the marketplace† (2, pg 46). This is a very alarming statistic that needs to be taken seriously! The doctors, in turn, are often pressured by the drug companies to market these drugs to patients who do not even present with symptoms which would call for such drugs. These doctors are often enticed by incentives and benefits offered by these companies to convince them to dole out these unnecessary medications. Essentially, they are â€Å"wined and dined† by the pharmaceutical companies. The other issue facing doctors is that these patients show up in droves with complaints and expect pills. If they are turned away or refused, the doctor faces possible legal actions, possibly law suits or malpractice claims. So, the easy solution is to give the patient what they want, not what they need. Essentially, the conventional doctor/patient relationship has eroded almost entirely. Patients are now doctoring themselves, deciding which drugs they need, and then going to the doctor with their demands since they cannot fill their scripts without a prescription. The book, â€Å"Death By Prescription†, has an excellent example of this. The author provides a story of a patient named Cynthia who goes in for her annual exam, confirms the presence of menopause, and against her better judgment is prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Everything seems to be going well for a few months, and then she unexpectedly collapses one day, completely at random, from acute cardiac arrest. After she has been put to rest, the husband then discovers that there were concerns about heart related problems for a year before his wife was initially prescribed this medication. (2, pgs 3-7) The doctor who wrote this book speaks of his dismay that potentially life-threatening drug reactions are never brought to the consumer’s attention until it is too late. Since these drugs are hitting the market without adequate research to possible drug reactions or interactions, more and more lawsuits are being filed. Every time I see a new lawsuit for a drug that was heavily marketed, I wonder which one will be next. I take a few prescriptions myself, only because they are necessary to control severe acid reflux which could erode my entire esophagus and to keep allergies in check which have a tendency to cause ear infections with me. I wouldn’t take them if I didn’t absolutely need to. One that I’ve seen recently is a lawsuit for a popular birth control drug, Yasmin, that I clearly remember advertisements for which involved many women in bright yellow bathing suits. Other examples that I can think of just off the top of my head are Avandia, Phen Phen, and Thalidomide. A famous example, though, is the whole Vioxx fiasco. Vioxx was a popular pain reliever that was touted as more effective than ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, but little was known about its potentially fatal side effects, mostly related to heart problems. According to Carey, Barrett, and Cropper, â€Å"†¦society needs to understand that drugs are a double-edged sword. Doctors should do a better job of keeping up with pharmaceutical findings. And patients should know that all medicines are potentially dangerous and should be used cautiously. In the past, â€Å"people accepted that there was no such thing as a totally safe drug,† says McKillop. Today we have become much more risk-averse. † Adds Dr. Mary H. Parks, a top FDA drug-approval official: â€Å"Even in the best case, with full due diligence, we will never know everything about a drug. † That’s why it will always be a struggle to hit just the right balance between help and harm. † (3) This lends credence to my belief that most drugs that have b een on the market less than 10 years should not be trusted. Hopefully, this paper has influenced the general perspective on the pharmaceutical industry itself and how many drugs should be taken by the average consumer on a daily basis. How many times have doctors prescribed brand new â€Å"cures† for diseases that no one has ever heard of? Consumers should be taking note of just how many drugs are being over-marketed and should be aware of the dangers posed by the chemicals ingested on a daily basis. If it is something that is not needed for normal daily functioning, should it even be prescribed? Is it doing more harm than good? How much research has been conducted for this particular drug? Whether the individual is a young child, a middle-aged adult, a psychiatric or geriatric patient, these are the questions that each person should be asking every day.